Feb 04, 2004

Lake Ketchikan Cabin #2. Ketchikan, Alaska.

Scenery for MSFS 2002

By Paul Kane

You'll find Lake Ketchikan #2 just behind downtown Ketchikan, Alaska. The cabin is located on the far shore close to downtown. You can land on the water or make a beach landing. Be careful though, the approach for a beach landing is kind of tricky :-) There is also a helopad for you rotorheads!

The area is acessable by plane with floats or wheels. The GPS ID is KLC2.

Installation Procedure:

1. Unzip the package and place the folder "Lake Ketchikan Cabin II" in your FS2004/scenery folder (or wherever you place add on scenery, in my case, C:\FSScenery)

2. Fire up Flight Simulator and add Lake Ketchikan Cabin by going to the scenery menu, clicking ADD and then navigating the Lake Ketchikan Cabin folder wherever you placed it (FS2004/scenery probably).

4. Have a fun flying!


I would like to thank Derek Leung for his awsome Flight Simulator Scenery Creator

Also thank you to the following authors of APIs that I have used:

Trees and Shrubs, Gas Cans, Woodpile and Axe: Tom Fica

This Old House, Garage and Plane Port: Frank Betts

Alaska Flag: Jim Jackson

Tree Stumps: Don Morgan

Helopad: Danny Levin

If there are any that I left out I apologize. Please let me know!


Freeware. No payware use allowed, period. No distribution on pay for download sites. Please feel free to use and modify this scenery...just give me credit.

You can reach me at:

